You searched for: “most ambivalent
ambivalent (am BIV uh luhnt) (adjective), more ambivalent, most ambivalent
1. Pertaining to the coexistence in one person of contradictory emotions or attitudes; such as, love and hatred towards a person or thing: Mike has ambivalent feelings as to whether his new car is worth so much money.

Mary had been ambivalent about getting married during her early years; now, since she is thirty, she is eager to accept Leslie's proposal of marriage.

2. Relating to the uncertainty as to what course to follow; conveying an indecision: The senator had an ambivalent feeling about which way he would vote on the new bill.
Alternately having one opinion or feeling, and then the opposite feeling.
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This entry is located in the following units: ambi-, amb-, ambo- (page 2) -ent (page 3) valid-, val-, vale-, -vail, -valent, -valence (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “most ambivalent
Referring to the coexistence in one person of contradictory emotions or attitudes; such as, love and hatred towards someone or something. (1)